
  • Q: what platform are you referring to?
  • A: Both Pi 4 4G (ARM64) and Intel i7-8xxx laptop.

General Discussion


  • Q: Did you experience data loss?
  • A: Yes. I use an old USB (250G) HDD attached on Pi 4. Disk dies after four months. The main problem is too old and low quality. Another problem is the driver (maybe). A good discussion is recorded in reddit.

  • Q: Where is ZFS zfs folder in recursive snapshot?
  • A: After performing recursive snapshot on dataset, the .zfs folder only exists on the root.

  • Q: How to send all children datasets recursively?
  • A: On sending side, use zfs send -R; on receiving side, use zfs recv -Fdu. Refer to this post.

  • Q: How to speed up send/recv?
  • A: Use raw transmission instead of SSH channel. On sending side, use mbuffer -s 128k -m 1G -O; on receiving side, use mbuffer -s 128k -m 1G -I 9090.